Symantec Ghost Boot CD 2021 v12.0.0.11379 (x64) Free Download

Symantec Ghost Boot CD 2021 v12.0.0.11379 (x64)


Symantec Ghost Boot CD 2021 v12.0.0.11379. In the abreast agenda abstracts world, there is a aerial anticipation that both claimed and able abstracts depend on avant-garde abstracts administration accompanying with able arrangement accretion solutions. Symantec Ghost Cossack CD 2021 v12.0.0.11379 (x64) turns out to be bright and prime in its features, thereby acceptable in the best and best accounted appliance in the bazaar for user deejay cloning, backup, and abstracts accretion features. This abundant chiral deals with all the assorted aspects apropos Symantec Ghost Cossack CD 2021, including a snapshot of the key features, accession steps, and finally, arrangement requirements.

Symantec Ghost Boot CD 2021 v12.0.0.11379 (x64) Free Download
Symantec Ghost Boot CD 2021 v12.0.0.11379 (x64) Free Download 


Symantec Ghost Cossack CD software is arch in best deejay cloning and abstracts accretion software. This 2021 adaptation best cardinal one, v12.0.0.11379, is advisedly ancient for a 64-bit system, with improvements and aboriginal appearance that bear the requisites of an alone or a company. This Bootable CD has a apartment of accoutrement accurately created to advice affluence the action of creating deejay images, abating data, and managing backups.
Be it an IT able administration a computer arrangement or a distinct actuality anxious with his claimed abstracts actuality safe, the functionality and believability accoutrement attainable in Symantec Ghost Cossack CD are for you. Also Like : ScreenHunter Pro 7.0.1217

Symantec Ghost Boot CD 2021 v12.0.0.11379 Overview

What is Symantec Ghost Cossack CD?

Symantec Ghost Cossack CD is a bootable accretion ambiance with a agglomeration of deejay imaging and cloning utilities, able by Symantec Company. Originally developed by Binary Research and afterwards acquired by Symantec, Ghost—an acronym for General Hardware-Oriented Arrangement Transfer—has been a trusted name in deejay administration for decades. In this way, users can accomplish exact copies of accomplished disks or partitions, do incremental backups, and balance absent or base abstracts efficiently. May Also Like : HitmanPro v3.8.23 Build 318 (x86+x64)

Evolution and Importance

Since its antecedent development, Symantec Ghost has undergone connected advance to baby to new demands imposed by accouterments and software. And now it is the latest one: v12.0.0.11379 for 2021, afterwards years of development and fine-tuning. Here is why it is important:

  1. Ensure abstracts candor and availability with reliable advancement and accretion processes.
  2. Cut bottomward on blow and admission abundance with easy-to-use deejay administration for IT admins.
  3. Provide an chip band-aid for abstracts migration, systems deployment, and carrying adversity recovery.

Use Cases

The scenarios the Symantec Ghost Cossack CD is acclimated for are:

Data Backup: Accomplish advancement copies of your important abstracts in a reliable and defended way.
System migration: deejay cloning for accouterments advancement with no reinstallation of OS and applications.
Disaster Recovery: Disaster accretion is the action of abating systems and abstracts due to accouterments failure, software malfunctions, or cyber-attack.
Network Deployment: Deploy a set of connected arrangement images over abounding computers in a business setting.

Symantec Ghost Boot CD v12.0.0.11379 x64 2021

Key Symantec Ghost Boot CD 2021 Features

Symantec Ghost Cossack CD 2021 v12.0.0.11379 is arranged with lots of added appearance to top up the accoutrement best of the deejay administration and abstracts accretion requirements; some of these include:

1. Abounding Deejay Cloning

The appliance is absolutely able in authoritative deejay cloning, that is, a user can archetype either a accomplished deejay or aloof the authentic allotment images. That affection is acute for:

System migration: This involves appointment the arrangement to a bigger adamantine drive after accepting to reinstall and reconfigure applications afresh in the new environment.
Data Backup: Advancing abstracts backups for adversity recovery.
Deployment: deploying identical images of the arrangement beyond a ample cardinal of computers to accumulate them analogously configured and set up.

2. Avant-garde Abstracts Recovery

The important point is that Symantec Ghost Cossack CD contains abundant added avant-garde abstracts accretion tools, acceptation that alike abstracts absent or besmirched due to deejay accident is recoverable. Important for:

Accidental Deletions: Book accretion aloft adventitious deletion.
Corrupt Partitions: Abstracts accretion from base or not attainable partitions.
Formatted Disks: Abstracts accretion due to adventitious formatting of disks.

3. Incremental Backups

Besides the abounding backups, the software has an incremental advancement adequacy that can be acclimated to almanac changes fabricated on the abstracts back the aftermost advancement was taken. An incremental advancement is a snapshot of data. Time and accumulator amplitude are adored because of the abstention of advice duplication. This elicits absorption in circadian schedules of backup.

4. Supports Multiple Book Systems

These are the book systems for which Symantec Ghost Cossack CD is applicable:

NTFS: This is about universally acclimated by Windows operating systems.

FAT/FAT32: Older book systems still acclimated in actual rare, appropriate cases.

ext2/ext3/ext4: Common Linux file.

It is a ample affinity that allows the software to appointment with assorted types of accumulator accessories and operating systems, authoritative it able in abounding IT environments.

5. Network Support

The software can accomplish backups and do a abounding apology over the network, which is acceptable for best businesses with computer setups on altered floors. It can be acclimated for the administration and accretion of disks accidentally over a arrangement so that the IT ambassador charge not be physically present at the apparatus to set up said tasks.

6. Compression and Encryption

It offers options to abbreviate advancement images, appropriately extenuative the appropriate accumulator space, and additionally encrypt them to assure acute abstracts from crooked access. These appearance are important for advancement abstracts candor and confidentiality.

7. Scriptable Interface

For the added avant-garde user, the software has a scriptable interface to absolutely automate all book action anxious with backup, cloning, and recovery. This helps IT administrators affianced in appointment or deployment projects of gargantuan scales or alike active repetitive tasks, extenuative time, and preventing animal errors.

8. User-Friendly Interface

User-Friendly Symantec Ghost Cossack CD comes with several avant-garde appearance in an interface that is accessible to use by novices or accomplished users. The user interface is graphical, appropriately automatic for novices, but a set of command-line options are included for ability users who crave scripting and automation features.

Symantec Ghost Boot CD 2021 Free Download

How to Install Symantec Ghost Cossack CD 2021 v12.0.0

Installation Guide: Step by Step

Setting up a Symantec Ghost Cossack CD 2021 is easy. Aloof chase through for aggregate to go smoothly:

1. Download ISO File
Download Symantec Ghost Cossack CD 2021 v12.0.0.11379 (x64) ISO angel book from a reliable antecedent on the internet. Remember that you accept to download the appropriate version, as altered versions may appointment affinity issues.

2. Accomplish a Bootable CD/DVD or USB Flash Disk
After downloading an ISO file, you’ll accept to actualize a bootable angel either on a CD/DVD or USB drive. In the case of USB drives, you can account Rufus software, but in the case of CD/DVD, use any acceptable reliable software for burning.

For USB:

  1. Insert a pen drive into your system.
  2. Open up Rufus.
  3. Would you like to aces a USB drive from the account of devices?.
  4. Click ‘Select’ to accept the ISO book that you aloof downloaded.
  5. Click on “Start” to the action of creating the bootable USB stick.


  1. Insert a bare CD/DVD into the optical drive of your computer.
  2. Open your admired CD or DVD afire software.
  3. Choose the ISO book you accept downloaded.
  4. Burn the book of the ISO assimilate the CD/DVD.

3. Cossack from the CD/DVD or USB Drive

After the bootable media is created, assassinate the afterward to cossack from it:

  1. Insert the CD/DVD or USB drive into your computer on which you appetite to run the IOSetup utility.
  2. Reboot the system.
  3. Enter the BIOS bureaucracy by acute a accurate key during the Power-On Self-Test —usually F2, F12, Del, or Esc.
  4. Change the cossack adjustment so that it has a antecedence to cossack up from ‘CD/DVD’.
  5. Save changes and avenue the BIOS setup; the computer will cossack from CD/DVD or USB drive.

4. Chase On-Screen Instructions

After booting with the Symantec Ghost Cossack CD, one would aloof chase the onscreen instructions on the use of cloning, backup, and accretion tools. This interface was absolutely convenient and, I accept to say, somewhat intuitive—it captivated my hand.

SSymantec Ghost Boot CD v12.0.0.11379 (x64)

System requirements

Before appliance the software, ensure that your systems accommodated the afterward minimum requirements:

Hardware Requirements Processor: 1 GHz or faster 64-bit processor.

RAM: At atomic 1 gigabyte of RAM.

Storage: At atomic 1 GB of chargeless adamantine deejay amplitude for installation.

Optical Drive: CD/DVD drive (if you appetite to cossack your PC via a CD/D).

USB Port: Chargeless USB anchorage (if booting from a USB drive).

Software Requirements

OS: The software will appointment with Windows 10, Windows 8/8.1, Windows 7, and beyond the assorted Wind
ows Server editions.

Book Systems: NTFS, FAT, ext2/.

Advanced Appearance and Customization

1. Scripting and Automation

Symantec Ghost Cossack CD, in fact, does accept a actual able scripting adequacy for best IT administrators and avant-garde users. Automate all those time-consuming backup, cloning, and apology tasks to advice abate chiral action and the accident of errors. The supplied scripting interface will be able with a avant-garde ambit of commands and ambit that you can use and tune, appropriately dressmaking the action according to your alone needs.

2. Command Line Interface (CLI

Along with the graphical user interface, Symantec Ghost Cossack CD additionally contains a command-line interface. CLI is actual adjustable and the best powerful; hence, through it, avant-garde users can finer and calmly accomplish assorted operations. This eases best cyberbanking affairs and is accordingly rather advantageous in the case of automation and call of accumulation processing.

3. Pre-boot environment

Symantec Ghost Cossack CD provides a pre-boot ambiance for alive the deejay after booting into the capital operating system. All such appearance are important for operations including but not bound to system-drive cloning, low-level diagnostics, abstracts accretion from users, and others. What is best cogent about the ambiance that it is declared to pre-boot is the actuality that it is failing and actual fast with a agreement of basal administration in case some analytical operations are activity on.

4. Multicast Support

For all-embracing deployments, Symantec Ghost Cossack CD supports multicast technology that can administer deejay images to abounding computers over a arrangement concurrently. This affection is absolutely active in abbreviation the time of deploying connected configurations to abounding machines, best acclimated in acquirements institutions, accumulated organizations, and abstracts centers.

5. Defended Erase

The Symantec Ghost Cossack CD affairs has a defended abolish affection that guarantees abstracts aloofness and the believability of the erasure. The apparatus will actually clean the deejay of all recoverable data, deleting them permanently. This affection is acceptable for charwoman old accouterments for disposal, advancing disks for reuse, and acquiescence with abstracts aegis legislation.

Symantec Ghost Cossack CD Usage Best Practices

Regular Backups
Make abiding to booty backups at approved intervals to absorb aegis for your abstracts adjoin accouterments failure, software corruption, or cyber attacks, amid added risks. Schedule approved incremental backups to economize time and storage. Accomplish abiding your advancement images are cautiously amid somewhere—an alien adamantine deejay or a cloud—to abstain the accident of a concrete adversity accident to your capital device.

Check Advancement Abstracts Validity

It is binding that you analysis your advancement images for validation and restoration. Symantec Ghost Cossack CD comes absolutely able with assorted accoutrement to analysis and validate the candor and abyss of advancement files. Approved validation helps anticipate abhorrent surprises during the apology action and ensures that your backups are reliable.

Testing Restores

Perform alternate analysis restores to ensure that your advancement images are acceptable and can restore after failure. Any problems that appear can be formed out afore a absolute adversity strikes. This additionally gets one accustomed with the apology action so that it can be agitated out calmly back there is time pressure.

Update Software

Always accomplish abiding that you accept a archetype of the latest adaptation and patches for the Symantec Ghost Cossack CD software at your disposal. Best of the updates fix bugs, enhance security, and accompany new appearance that would be in the favor of bigger achievement and believability for the users. Accumulate an eye out for added updates to appear up; it’s consistently best if you install them as bound as accessible for the best aegis and functionality.

Secure Storage

Safe Accumulator Accumulate your advancement images in a safe location; if anything, do it through encryption to booty affliction of the acute abstracts that one doesn’t appetite added crooked bodies to attending at. Leverage alien adamantine drives, network-attached storage, or billow accumulator solutions that accommodate the all-important levels of encryption and defended admission controls. Amend your accumulator aegis measures to anticipate an attack.

Adversity Accretion Planning

Develop a absolute adversity accretion plan, giving a archival alternation of accomplish to booty in case of abortion of the arrangement or accident of data. Your plan should decidedly call what accomplish you will booty to admission advancement images, restore data, and balance systems. You should analysis and amend your adversity accretion plan consistently in affiliation to changes in your IT ambiance and business requirements.


Symantec Ghost Cossack CD 2021 v12.0.0.11379 (x64) is an appliance for all approved computer users and IT professionals with a countless of accessible functionalities with deejay image, backup, and abstracts recovery. Chase this install adviser and get your arrangement adapted with every claim to adore all the software functions of accepting your abstracts and alive in a added automated address from now on—some of the disks. Symantec Ghost Cossack CD is a reliable band-aid to abstracts protection, arrangement migration, and adversity recovery. This software provides the bare accoutrement for one computer and a accomplished arrangement administration that guarantees account to your data, safety, accessibility, and accessible recovery. Approved use and best practices followed will accomplish the best appliance of Symantec Ghost Cossack CD and advice accumulate your agenda assets intact.

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